Northwestern University, Pennsylvania State University, Loyola University


Ultra-scalable system software and tools for data-intensive computing

Alok Choudhary1, Gokhan Memik1, Seda Memik1, Mahmut T. Kandemir2, George Thiruvathukal3

1 Department of EECS, Northwestern University

2 Department of CSE, Penn State

3 Department of CS, Loyola University





This project entails research and development and to address the software and tools problems for ultra-scale parallel machines, especially targeted for scalable I/O, storage and memory hierarchy. The fundamental premise is that to achieve extreme scalability, incremental changes or adaptation of traditional (extension of sequential) interfaces and techniques for scaling data accesses and I/O will not succeed, because they are based on pessimistic and conservative assumptions of parallelism, synchronization, and data sharing patterns. We will develop innovative techniques to optimize data access that utilize the understanding of high-level access patterns ("intent"), and use that information through runtime layers to enable optimizations and reduction / elimination of locking and synchronization at different levels. The proposed mechanisms will allow different software layers to interact/cooperate with each other. Specifically, the upper layers in the software stack extract high-level access pattern information and pass it to the lower layers in the stack, which in turn exploit them to achieve ultra-scalability. In particular, the main objectives of this project are: (1) Techniques, tools and software for extracting data access patterns and data-flow at runtime; (2) Interfaces and strategies for passing access pattern across the different layers for optimizations; (3) Implementation of these techniques in appropriate layers such as parallel file system, communication software 9e.g., MPI2), and runtime libraries to reduce or eliminate synchronization and locking; (4) Runtime techniques and tools that exploit access patterns for reducing power consumption and cooling requirements for the underlying storage system; and (5) Development of interfaces and software to use active storage for data analysis and filtering.



Problem Description:


As high performance computing (HPC) system sizes and capabilities approach extreme-scale ranges, scales of problems and applications that were unimaginable a few years ago are within reach. Such problems by definition are extremely data intensive, especially given that byte/FLOP ratio of most science and engineering applications is expected to either remain constant or increase. Data-intensive applications come from all types of domains including astrophysics, climate and operational weather modeling, nanoscience, materials, combustion, cosmology, bioinformatics and drug design, nuclear simulations, sensor data processing, security, and others. However, the problem of performance, productivity, and portability (P3) must be addressed in a holistic manner considering the entire science and engineering application design and execution workflow in order to reach the potential benefits of extreme-scale systems. Data that is produced, consumed, handled, visualized, analyzed and mined is reaching hundreds of terabytes to petabytes range (raw data, derived images, movies, streams, metadata, mined data, etc.) for most application domains. Thus, along with computational capabilities, ultra-scale software to scale I/O, storage, memory hierarchy performance must be developed in order to address data intensive nature of applications and reap benefits in performance and productivity of extreme-scale systems. From the P3 perspective, all components and data flow among those components must scale in order to achieve extreme scalability. For data-intensive applications, the I/O, storage layers, and memory hierarchy are extremely critical, and are often overlooked, but they tend to become a bottleneck in not only obtaining scalable performance but also in achieving high productivity.


A fundamental goal of an application scientist/engineer is to design, analyze and understand experimental, observational and computational data. As system sizes and capabilities approach peta-scale range, scales of problems that were unimaginable a few years ago are within reach. However, the problem of performance, productivity, and portability (P3) must be addressed in a holistic manner in order to reach the potential benefits of ultrascale systems. A typical large-scale application entails many stages of computation and analysis with several feedback loops. Figure 1 presents various illustrative stages including, Idea/Problem Formulation Stage, Implementation Stage, Validation/Verification Stage (intermixed with the previous stage), Production Stage, Interpretation/Analysis Stage, and Assimilation Stage. There is a constant feedback loop for refinement and improvement within an application domain. As the data grows to peta-scale, these steps become prohibitively slow. Therefore, in order to improve P3, this entire process must be considered in developing techniques, software and tools for ultrascale system.


Figure 1. A simplified example of stages of an application in science and engineering for large-scale systems. In reality, there are multiple fragmentations, intermixing and feedback cycles between the stages.




A typical large-scale data-intensive application will use several layers of software. For example, an operational weather modeling application may use NetCDF for data representation and storage, which in turn may be implemented in parallel using MPI-IO for portability, which may be layered on top of Parallel Virtual File System (PVFS) on a cluster. The highest layer normally has semantic information associated with it, which tends to include the intent of a user. For example, at the NetCDF layer, the user may have represented a three-dimensional structure with a specific distribution of data (each element of which may be a collection of variables such as temperature, pressure, density, humidity, etc.). These relationships and semantic information are lost in the lower layer (e.g., MPI-IO), where even though multidimensional arrays may be represented, high-level view of data gets lost. Further down, even this information gets lost, and data is a stream of bytes. However, since this layer interacts with the architecture, network and storage system, the interfaces and optimizations have to account for worst-case scenarios for conflicts, synchronization, locking, coherence checks and other issues, which adversely affect the performance significantly. In other words, in this conventional design, entire software stack and layers are designed pessimistically, rather than optimistically. The task of optimizations in such complex systems is left to the user, who must specify how to perform the scalable parallel operations for data access.


A user needs to consider a variety of properties of an application including type of data access, access patterns, parallelism, type of I/O and storage system, software layer and interfaces and others. Furthermore, even if the user was able to figure out the right combination for a particular configuration, changing configuration (processors, network, architecture features, software) results in optimizations being no longer applicable, thereby adversely affecting performance, productivity, and portability (P3). In order to significantly improve and scale the P3, we must design and develop interfaces, software, runtime systems that let user specify what the intent is and what the requirement of a task is rather than how to accomplish it. The techniques, optimizations and their implementations then should understand the intent and determine the right strategy at runtime. In this project, we investigate such innovative techniques, specifically oriented towards the I/O subsystem and deep memory hierarchies. The aim is to use high-level semantics in optimization with light-weight low-level software (e.g., file system or communication within memories) to scale performance by reducing or eliminating synchronization and locking by guaranteeing certain events and access patterns to the layers below. The same access pattern information will also be used for other functions including power-management of storage system, use of non-volatile memory within user space to significantly reduce latency and improve bandwidth and for data movement across distributed memories.




·         Exploiting inter-file access patterns using multi-collective I/O      
Gokhan Memik, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Alok Choudhary
In Proc. of USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), Monterey / CA, January, 2002.



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NSF, Software and Tools for High-End Computing (ST-HEC) Program, Contract No. 0444405, 0444158, 0444197