// java Main [human-name] // to create (up to) three players and an optional human player // start the game, when the game is over print the winner announcement class Main { public static void main(String argv[]) { Server s = Server.server; String p[] = new String [] { "matthias", "matthew", "shriram"}; // need to insert human player into chain at random place if (argv.length >= 1) { IHDisplay io = new HView(argv[0]); IPlayer human = new HPlayer(argv[0]); Controller c = new Controller(human,io); s.register(human); } for(int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { IDisplay v = new MView(p[i]); IPlayer pl = new MPlayer(p[i]); Controller c = new Controller(pl,v); s.register(pl); } System.out.println(s.play()); } }