CS 115, Fall 2002
Homework Assignment 3
Due: 21 October 2002

  • Max  

    Starting from either exponential version of max:

    ;; max : non-empty-list-of-numbers    number
    ;; to determine the largest number in alon
    (define (max alon)
        [(null? (cdr alon)) (first alon)]
        [else (cond
                [(< (car alon) (max (cdr alon)))
                 (max (cdr alon))]
                 (car alon)])]))
    ;; max : list-of-positive-numbers    number
    ;; to determine the largest number in alon
    (define (max alon)
        [(null? alon) 0]
        [else (cond
                [(< (car alon) (max (car alon)))
                 (max (cdr alon))]
                 (car alon)])]))

    use let to formulate an alternate version of that only uses a linear number of recursive calls.


    ;; max : non-empty list of numbers  number
    (define (max alon)
        [(null? (cdr alon)) (car alon)]
        [else (let ([rst (max (cdr alon))])
                  [(< (car alon) rst)
                   (car alon)]))]))
    ;; max : list of positive numbers  number
    (define (max alon)
        [(null? alon) 0]
        [else (let ([rst (max (cdr alon))])
                  [(< (car alon) rst)
                   (car alon)]))]))

  • Best  

    Abstract over the comparison operator in max and produce a function best that accepts a function and returns the best element, according to that function.

    Here's the header and purpose statement for best:

    ;; best : (integer integer  boolean) list-of-numbers  number
    ;; computes the best element in a list, according to metric
    (define (best metric a-lon)


    (define (best metric a-lon)
        [(null? a-lon) 0]
        [else (let ([rst (best metric (cdr a-lon))])
                (if (metric (car a-lon) rst)
                    (car a-lon)

    Write both max and min in terms of best.


    (define (max l) (best >= l))
    (define (min l) (best <= l))

  • Filter  

    Write a function called filter-lt7 that returns all of the elements in a list that are less than 7.


    ;; filter-lt7 : list-of-numbers  list-of-numbers
    (define (filter-lt7 a-lon)
        [(null? a-lon) '()]
        [else (if (<= (car a-lon) 7)
                  (cons (car a-lon) (filter-lt7 (cdr a-lon)))
                  (filter-lt7 (cdr a-lon)))]))

    Write the function filter that accepts a predicate on numbers and returns all of the elements in the list that satisfy the predicate. Here is the header and purpose statement for the function:

    ;; filter : (number  boolean) list-of-numbers  list-of-numbers
    ;; returns a list of the elements in \scheme|a-lon| that satisfy \scheme |p|.
    (define (filter p a-lon)


    ;; filter : (number  boolean) list-of-numbers  list-of-numbers
    ;; returns a list of the elements in \scheme|a-lon| that satisfy \scheme |p|.
    (define (filter p a-lon)
        [(null? a-lon) '()]
        [else (if (p (car a-lon))
                  (cons (car a-lon) (filter p (cdr a-lon)))
                  (filter p (cdr a-lon)))]))

    Using filter, re-define filter-lt7. Also, define filter-odd, a function that accepts a list and returns a list containing the odd numbers in its input.


    (define (filter-lt7 l) 
      (filter (lambda (x) (<= x 7)) l))
    (define (filter-odd l) 
      (filter odd? l))

  • Building Lists  

    Define a function called build-consecutive-list that accepts a number and returns a list of the number from that number down to 1.


    ;; build-consecutive-list : number  (listof numbers)
    (define (build-consecutive-list n)
        [(zero? n) '()]
         (cons n (build-consecutive-list (- n 1)))]))

    Define a function called build-list that accepts a number n and a function f from numbers to numbers and returns a list consisting of the results of calling f on the numbers from n down to 1.


    ;; build-list : number  (listof numbers)
    (define (build-list f n)
        [(zero? n) '()]
         (cons (f n) (build-list f (- n 1)))]))

    Use build-list to redefine build-consecutive-list and to define build-perect-squares, a function that returns the first n perfect squares.


    (define (build-consecutive-list l)
      (build-list (lambda (x) x) l))
    (define (build-perfect-squares l)
      (build-list (lambda (x) (* x x)) l))

  • Binding Structure  

    Draw arrows to indicate the binding structure of these programs [note: DrScheme's Check Syntax will tell you the answers to this question, but you will not have Check Syntax available to you on the exam. Be sure you can figure these out by yourself]:

    (define (f x)
    (f 1)
    (define (len l)
        [(null? l) 0]
        [else (+ (len (cdr l)) 1)]))
    (define (quad x)
      (let ([sq (* x x)])
        (* sq sq)))
    (define (g x)
      (let ([x x])
        (+ x x)))
    (define (g x)
      (let ([x x]
            [y x])
        (+ x x)))

    Solution Use Check Syntax in DrScheme.

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